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JYCM Newsletter - 5/4/21

Writer's picture: JYCMJYCM

Board Updates

JYCM has launched numerous exciting projects over the past month, including the Jewish Youth Climate Action Series, a weekly program open to Leadership Board and Kvutzah members. The Climate Action Series hosts speakers who present about climate activism and organizing. Recent sessions have featured topics such as strategy for community mobilization and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This month, JYCM has also launched a fundraising campaign designed to fund participation in this summer’s JYCM Leadership Retreat. Find information about the fundraiser and donate here!

In addition, JYCM partnered with the Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN) and held two sessions during the JCAN Conference, each led by two JYCM members. The first focused on youth urgency, while the second was a climate storytelling workshop. A JYCM member also contributed to Hazon’s Shmita Blog Project, writing a d’var torah about the commandment to “love thy neighbor.”

The Leadership Board has continued working on our Movement DNA, illustrating the story behind our movement and the principles that define it.


Happy One Year Anniversary to our National Leadership Board!

We're so excited to be celebrating our one year anniversary and so proud of everything

that we have accomplished this past year. We are building a national movement of Jewish youth climate activists and we know this is only the beginning. Keep reading to check out our impact numbers at the bottom of our newsletter.


Apply to JYCM's National Leadership Board

We are looking for youth to join our National Leadership Board! If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a National Leadership Board member, we encourage you to apply. If you have any questions, reach out to us at or check out this document for more information. The application deadline is May 7th at 11:59pm in your respective timezone.

Fill out the application HERE


Donate to our Spring Fundraiser

This month we are raising money to support our first ever in-person immersive youth leadership and bonding retreat! After a long year of zoom calls and online school, economic and community stress, and the escalating climate crisis, having a space in nature for healing, community building, and strategic planning is crucial for our movement. All money raised will go directly towards ensuring that our entire leadership team can attend.


Welcome to our new JYCM Kvutzot!

We now have 20 Kvutzot (chapters) - welcome to our newest members:

Ann Arbor Kvutzah (Ann Arbor, MI)

Central Synagogue Kvutzah (New York, NY)

To learn more about building a JYCM Kvutzah, visit our Kvutzah page here.


A Word from a Board Member

Hi, I’m Naomi Parr (she/her) and I’m an 11th grader from Detroit, Michigan. I love being a part of JYCM because it’s such an empowering environment filled with individuals who, like me, believe their Jewish identity is deeply intertwined with their enthusiasm for climate justice. Within the broader lens of climate action, I’m especially passionate about sustainable eating and promoting youth action through writing. In addition to environmentalism, I love poetry, theatre, history, music, and vegan baking. Although these passions aren’t climate-oriented, they definitely contribute to an overall passion for storytelling which I have found to be the core of my environmental passion. I’m thankful for the platform and community JYCM has given me to explore these passions and work for a sustainable future together.


JYCM Features

Our Leadership Board members were featured in various publications and panels this month. Check them out below!


Sharing Our Stories

"Good Government"

I’d been a big reader since I could read. I was 13 when I read Viral by Ann Bausum, a nonfiction book about the AIDS epidemic. When my English teacher told us we had to write an investigative article for our journalism unit, I wanted to write a piece about Ronald Reagan and the AIDS crisis. There was a requirement to interview two students. I wasn’t thrilled to be talking to other 13-year-olds about STIs, but I didn’t have a choice. I had some more interesting interviews lined up. My grandmother, who was a public health nurse and two of my teachers were alive in the ‘80s.

Over the course of our storytelling campaign, we've learned the importance of storytelling in the climate movement. We gave everyone a chance to learn how to tell their story and share it with everyone. In the coming months we will be sharing people's climate stories in JYCM's monthly newsletters. If you're interested in having yours featured, please reach out to Without further ado, we'd like to introduce this month's story written by one of our board members, Sarah. You can read her full story here.


Training Series Update

This month, we have welcomed 30+ JYCM members to our Jewish Youth Climate Activism Series! So far, we have learned about Our Role in the Climate Movement with Emanuelle Sippy (Future Coalition) and Madeline Canfield (Sunrise Movement), had an introduction. to DEI and Disability Justice with Abby Bresler (Sunrise Movement), and engaged in Organizing 101 with Kayla N. (Never Again Action Boston).

Thank you to everyone participating in our training series, we cannot wait to continue learning with you!

JYCM Included on Slingshot's Annual “10 to Watch” List!

Slingshot, an organization that engages young Jewish philanthropists to make lasting impact, has announced its 2021 “10 to Watch” list that highlights young organizations and projects in North America that are responding to current and timely needs in the Jewish community and beyond. The Jewish Youth Climate Movement is so honored to be among nine other incredible up-and-coming initiatives. You can read the announcement article in Alma about why Jewish innovation matters.


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